Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Plan

I decided to put together this blog to try and capture my experience of bicycle touring across this country, a first for me. Not wanting to inundate my friends and family on Facebook with regular posts,  this seemed a better option. I will post pictures and journal entries as time and internet connections allow.

Today is May 28th. I leave for Maine June 7th. Gay Rehnback (an old friend & very experienced bike tourist) and I will meet up with, Fred (a Kiwi that Gay knows from another adventure) in Bar Harbor June 8th. Departure from Bar Harbor to points west is scheduled for June 10th.

I dedicate this little adventure to Pam, my wife of nearly 27 years. She introduced me to cycling early in our relationship.  We have enjoyed many cycling adventures, among other things, together over the years: the Great Parks North tour of the Canadian Rockies; a cycling honeymoon around England, France and Holland; a tour around the south Island of New Zealand; and a 900 mile loop around California.
Just last summer, we rode for 3.5 days across Upstate NY with Bill and Sandy Doyle.  We had planned to join them this summer on the west coast and ride east, until the Doyle's had a change in family plans this summer. Oh well, we've postponed that adventure until next summer. Pam and I have a son, Logan, (recent college grad from CNU) and a daughter, Kirsten (just finished her first year at UMW).

For now, all there is to do is prepare, plan, train, pack and wait.