Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 35 Landmark Day

Our first full day in Minnesota has been filled with landmark events for moi. We departed the very nice campground at Isle about 6:20 am. No matter how early I get up and ready in the morning, the two of them are always waiting... Sigh. Anyway, before we left Isle, we stopped into a convenience store for a cup of coffee. I need that little jolt to get me to Garrison, located on the northwest corner of  Mille Lacs Lake. We started on the southeast corner.
So you see that this is not a small lake. We end up traveling its shoreline for 17+ miles. The road was fairly flat with some noticeable undulations. The grades were long and gradual. More noticeable were the winds. I enjoyed the slightl cooling effect of wind off the water. Being we traveled around the lake, the wind direction varied. It went from tail to side to slightly at the head. No worries though. The flags were barely fluttering. 
Garrison was still a welcome site. The town of Brainerd was 30 miles away. I needed sustenance. For a town with only 172 residents, Garrison had options. The convenience store, Wawa style, did the trick. A breakfast sandwich hit me spot. We were back on the road in a jiffy. 
More undulations ahead. The three of us spread out a bit so each of us could see the road better. Several sections had cracks that could cause problems if you hit them wrong. You can't see through the person in front of you. They can't possibly convey the road conditions ahead. So, hang back and choose your own pathway. This is especially important when the shoulders are narrow or non existent. No worries. We sail into Brainerd. Next up. Bike shop. 
Fred's shoes were a wreck. They were delaminating and ready for an EPA Superfund site. A new cassette is in order to help the old guy crawl up the impending mountains. He got new shoes and a cassette (with a 36. He had a 32 I think. Not sure about the front chainring.)
Gay is having saddle challenges. His Brooks is taking on new proportions. If it's taking the shape of his butt, he sure has a flat on one side. He will  have to figure that out for himself.  He ended up buying a new saddle and installing it. He still trying to fix his Brooks though.  As for me, I have spent enough time in bike shops this trip. So everything is just hunky-dory with me. 
We left the bike shop and went to lunch. Then we had to get to a motel. There are no campgrounds in the area. The next town 17 miles north was full. Finding a room anywhere is a real challenge because of all the power crews out here restoring power from the Storm that passed through the area two days ago. Glad we missed that experience. We got the last room available! 
On the way, I got a cheap thrill. I crossed over the Mississippi River. Gay and Fred weren't moved. A few years ago, Gay rode the entire length of the river, so I can understand his relative disinterest. Fred, well, I'm not so sure why he had no interest. You Kiwis will have to ask him when you see him. 
The inn was just a little ways down the road. The other cool mark Fred and I crossed today was the 2,000 mile mark!  That's actual distance covered. Since we have taken a couple of shortcuts, so I can get to Bermidji before the weekend, we have probably travelled closer to 2,150 route miles. (remember Gay had to stop and drive from Rochester New York to otter Lake,Michigan while he was recovering.)  
Brainerd is a big town. Malls. Banks. Stores galore. And lots of traffic. Ugh. Tomorrow we will be on the Paul Bunyon Trail towards Bemidji. 
Total mileage today = 54
Total mileage to date = 2,034

Thanks yet again for reading my blog. I have to admit, this has been kinda fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim
    I understand that you are heading home shortly. In NZ we have enjoyed your blog with all its interesting stuff on your ride. We will miss it that is for sure as we try and keep track of Fred on his journey especially as he is a man of a lot fewer words!

    Best Wishes
    Geoff Phillips
